Tag: Mathare

  • Database of schools in Mathare

    Spatial Collective has been gathering information on schools in Mathare Constituency since January 2018. At the time of writing, we have collected information on hundreds of indicators for about one hundred schools in all six wards of Mathare, including Mathare North area. The information collected included the following categories: Information on the interviewer School description…

  • Project Planning (Video)

    Project planning is essential for successful implementation of activities. Get it right and the project runs like a well-oiled machine. Mess it up, and the outputs of the project could be jeopardized. We recently held a project planning meeting in Mathare and thought to make a video. The aim of this particular project was to collect…

  • Geography of Service Delivery

    Nairobi’s population has increased more than tenfold in the last 50 years.[1] This rapid urbanization brought with it a two-tier development process where some areas are rapidly modernizing while others lag behind. The provision of basic services often follows the split. Different geographic areas of Nairobi enjoy different levels of development and access to public…

  • Rethinking waste management in Nairobi’s informal settlements

    Community-based organizations are in the forefront of dealing with waste management in Nairobi’s informal settlements, however, their interventions often fall short of becoming sustainable and profitable on the long run. Research shows that there is ample opportunity in alternative material recovery, recycling, and sorting of trash in the informal settlements, as well as, in establishing…

  • Mathare Demographic

    This post was cross-posted from Spatial Collective’s blog. Informal settlements are often missing from geographic and statistical representation of their countries, and Nairobi’s informal settlements are no exception. With so few household surveys, high-quality data with specific focus on informal settlements are very hard to come by.  For this reason, little information is available on…

  • Waste Management Stakeholder Survey

    This post was cross-posted from Spatial Collective’s blog. In March and April 2014, following the household survey, Spatial Collective continued their research into informal waste management activities and other community-led hazard mitigation practices in Mathare. The focus of the research was on various groups and individuals dealing with environmental and waste management in the four wards…

  • Coding Scheme to Document Dumping and Management of Waste

    This post was cross-posted from Spatial Collective’s blog. Removal and management of waste and human excreta are two of the most vital environmental services provided by a city. Failing to manage waste properly has a direct impact on public health, length of life, and the environment.[1] The United States Environmental Protection Agency has identified 22…

  • Garbage Composition, Path and Process Mapping

    This post is cross-posted from Spatial Collective’s blog. Spatial Collective recently undertook a campaign of tackling solid waste management in Mathare. Solid waste (waste) comes in various shapes and sizes and materials and has various life-cycles. In order to understand what some of the processes undertaken while handling waste are we looked closely at the…

  • Spatial Collective tackles waste management in Mathare

    This blog post is cross-posted from Spatial Collective’s blog. Garbage collection is a major problem in Mathare, a conclusion easily confirmed by even the most casual observation (Mathare river pictured above). The problem of inadequate waste management in Mathare is no less than an environmental and humanitarian disaster. Waste is everywhere. Food waste, paper, broken…

  • No10, Thayu, Mabatini & Mashimoni – A pilot within a pilot

    Our biggest focus during this pilot project in Mathare was on four villages: Mathare No10, Thayu, Mabatini, and Mashimoni. This is because our local partner (Community Cleaning Services) operates in the area and also because we wanted to test our capacity – figuring out how much can be done in the limited amount of time.…