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Creating landlord and plot profiles of Viwandani Area

Spatial Collective is currently conducting a door-to-door survey for the purpose of collecting data on sanitation facilities and creating landlord and plot profiles in one of Nairobi’s informal settlements. We are providing the manpower to conduct the survey and have also trained additional people from the settlement to help with the work.

To fulfill the requirements of the proposed engagement, we deployed the following approach:

  • Carry out a building extraction of the Viwandani area. Using aerial imagery, Spatial Collective digitized every structure in the area of interest. Digitization provided a building footprint which was later used for door-to-door data collection.
Building extraction
  • Coding of structures. All of the digitized structures were automatically numbered for easier identification. These house codes help with the logistics of implementing the household survey and will later enable us to link the survey questions to the map.
Building Reference Numbers
  • Development of a questionnaire for data collection. We helped the client with the development of a questionnaire for data collection. Techno Spark K7 mobile phone, OpenDataKit and ONA platforms are being used for data collection.

  • Ongoing field work consists of the following:
    — ground verification of shapes of digitized structures,
    — documenting the number of housing units within each structure,
    — grouping structures together that make up plots and
    — collecting details on plots, including sanitation facilities and landlords and caretakers information.
Diana during fieldwork
  • Development of plot profiles and landlord profiles. In the end, all the data from the field will be digitized and merged with the building extraction, creating a geospatial layer consisting of plot profiles of Viwandani Area.
  • Finally, a series of visualizations will be made based on the analysis required.
Survey progress map
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